Online training packages are targeted towards endurance athletes including runners, cyclists, nordic skiers, and downhill/backcountry skiers. With various levels of commitment there is an option to suit every athlete, whether you are competing at an international level or looking to run your first 10km race. Everyone is an athlete and should be using a well-rounded approach to their training so they have balanced adaptations and can get the most out of their training. Various options are listed below, click on the learn more buttons to read more information on packages.

Online Training Packages


Online - Elite Training Package

Online - Recreational Training Package

Online - Strength (only) for Athletes

Online - Uphill Ski Strength


Team and In-Person Training



Team Training and Athlete Development


In-Person Training Sessions


If you find yourself interested in one of the above options, what is next?

  1. Fill out the Pre-Consult Form

  2. You will be contacted following completion of the form to arrange a consultation via phone, video, or in-person meeting

  3. During your 30-45 min consult we discuss your history, goals, availability, etc. to decide on the best training plan for you

  4. The adventure begins!

Required forms prior to commencing any training program: