In-Person Training

Conducted indoors at the Bill Warren Training Centre in Canmore, AB

Athletes, teams, and individuals

Available for endurance athletes, teams, development athletes, and those undergoing injury rehabilitation

Team Training and Athlete Development

In-person strength and performance coaching to enhance athletes’ power, strength, stability, and injury resilience. A solid foundation of physical literacy and movement knowledge is key for athletes of all ages to build their training upon.

A variety of program styles are available to fit your team’s needs to optimize performance. Creating opportunities for each individual to develop into a well-rounded athlete gives them skills they can take throughout training, competition, and beyond. Please contact us to discuss the needs for your athletes or team.

In-Person Training Sessions

With a strong focus on quality and foundations of movement, you will quickly become a more resilient athlete in your recovery, training, and athletic pursuits. Sessions are individualized to enable you to maximize your time and realize your potential.

Ideal for anyone from endurance athletes, to those recovery from injury and needing the step between physiotherapy treatments and return to sport.

Working to enable you to feel your best, reduce risk of injuries, and know you are prepared to tackle your goals.

Session availability is limited and package options vary, so please contact us to decide on the best plan for you.


The next step: Complete the Pre-Consult form and we will arrange a complimentary consultation to discuss your history, goals, availability, current training, etc. and decide on the best place for you to start.

If you have any questions, please contact us

We feel strongly that proper coaching and training should be available to all dedicated athletes so if you feel the packages are beyond your means, please send us a note.